St. Dominic’s Academy needs your help!

Saint Dominic’s Academy strives to provide a comprehensive education for our children in body, mind and spirit, based on the precepts and teachings of the Catholic Church and established in accordance with the applicable regulations of Pennsylvania. Working in cooperation with families, our program implements the teaching and principles of Dr. Maria Montessori, providing an environment that stimulates the child’s natural curiosity and prepares him/her to become an independent, self-reliant and compassionate human being.
St. Dominic’s is an independent Catholic school, not a diocesan Catholic school; as such, it is not supplemented financially by the diocese or through weekly collection at the local parish. Donations are critical to our very existence. Please prayerfully consider a recurring donation of whatever you can afford, keeping in mind our Lord’s parable of the widow’s two pennies, which was the most sacrificial gift of all.
God Bless you and your families, and thank you for your ongoing support.